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Forageplus: Vitamin B-plus, 1kg

  • 466.39 NOK

Komplett B-vitamin av ren kvalitet. Vi har lagt in engelska texten från Forageplus, översättning kommer snart! Analys finns längre ned i texten. Mvh ProbihorseO

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Artikelnummer: 20
Leverantör: Forageplus

Komplett B-vitamin av ren kvalitet. Vi har lagt in engelska texten från Forageplus, översättning kommer snart! Analys finns längre ned i texten. Mvh Probihorse

Our Vitamin-B Plus for horses supplement contains all the B-Complex vitamins needed to support and maintain excellent horse health and resilience.

B vitamins are required for the normal metabolism of carbohydrates, fats and proteins and converting these foods into energy. Other functions include production of nucleic acids for DNA synthesis and interconversion of amino acids.

Adequate levels of B vitamins in the diet support tissues that either have high energy requirements or a high rate of tissue turnover. This includes the nervous system, gastrointestinal tract, skin, hooves and red blood cell production. Hard working horses have a high demand for B vitamins.

Well managed pasture, where the soil is healthy grows healthy grass with high levels of B vitamins however the process of curing forage into hay or haylage reduces the amounts of these water soluable vitamins. Also the action of soaking and rinsing hay to lower sugar contain to make forage suitable for laminitis prone horses also leaches these nutrients.

B-vitamin for horses supplementation is of potential benefit in the following scenarios:

  • Horses on high cereal, low forage diets, or those on very poor quality forage.
  • Horses eating soaked hay or haylage.
  • Horses changing environment or feed abruptly.
  • Older horses, particularly where teeth problems are contributing to weight maintenance     and digestive issues.
  • Horses with reduced appetite.
  • Horses with failure to thrive due to illness or stress.
  • Horses in hard work, high stress situations or competing (endurance, travelling, racing,     eventing, hunting).

Horses that need support to maintain good digestive health.

Young horses with incomplete gut microflora populations.

Horses who need additonal support to maintain healthy hindgut bacteria.

To find out more about the importance of B vitamins for horses please find a useful article here.


Per 5 gram feeding rate:

Protein 15.80%, Oil 24%, DE 14.00 Mj/Kg

Micronised Linseed 3.43 grams

Thiamine B1 30mg

Riboflavin B2 40 mg

Pyridoxine B6 35 mg

Vitamin B12 300 mcg

Niacin 90 mg

Pantothenic Acid 35 mg

Folic Acid 25 mg

Biotin 20 mg

200 - 400 kg horse 1 x 2.5 ml scoop per day

400 - 600 kg horse 1 x 5 ml scoop per day

600 - 800 kg horse 1 x 5 ml scoop and 1 x 2.5 ml scoop