Srnordica om Odins resa med Probihorse
Probihorse |3/04, 2019

Vi är mycket stolta och glada att presentera Srnordica - Therese Lindqvist och hennes två vackra hingstar Puntiagudo och Odin som vår nya Teamryttare. Här nedan berättar hon om Odins resa mot tillfrisknande och hur Probihorse har varit till hjälp:
It is one thing to be an influencer rider for tack but when it comes to supplements and different types of feed I have said "no" to plenty of inquiries, mostly because I never want to recommend something I can't stand behind or I have tried myself. I see it like this; If I am a paying costumer myself, it is something I can recommend.
For me it's never about making money or getting stuff "for free". I see this as a platform to inspire and to help. And if I stay to true to myself, the products I present must apply to that as well! So with this I am very happy to announce that I am now the new sponsor rider for Greenfoot Probihorse!
So why Probihorse?
I began using their products Vital Probihorse in both solid and liquid form around 8 months ago. First on Odin but now I use it to Puntiagudo as well and I never wanna be without them!
When Odin came here he had so many issues with his skin I didn't even know where to begin. He was full of wounds, swollen skin with liquid in it, hair loss, lymphangitis and I don't even wanna talk about the itching. He even had his blanket indoors because if he didn't he would be covered in new wounds the next day. We even had him on pain release medicine when he was at his worst just so he could get some relief.
So as you can imagine I searched far and wide and talked to many different experts and veterinarians but nothing seemed to help.
But then I got recommended Vital Probihorse from my friend Emma with Icelandic horses with sweet itch problems. I did not think this was a sweet itch problem, but it is a supplement to help the horses intestines and heal it from the inside and out.
So it was not a quick fix but still a recommended one!
So I put my hope to it with skepticism and began feeding him with it and week by week I noticed changes! The wounds began to heal. The hair on his hairless parts began to grow back and even if it took the longest to get rid of off completely (mostly since it had become a behavior) the itching settle down.
And now, his mane and tail has grown back (with an insane speed) and now when he has shedded his winter coat his brown body has beautiful dapples in it! I have no doubt in my mind that Probihorse is the reason why his coat now shines and his skin doesn't hurt anymore!
So that is why I decided to contact them to be a part of their team! They helped me and has helped a lot of horses with for example cushing, sweet itch and stomach problems! Like I said it's not a quick fix but with time I think many horses could be helped with these products!
So thank you Probihorse! I look forward to be a part of your team!
Här är bilder på Odin hur han såg ut i somras.
Här nedan - manutväxten på 8 månader.
Tips - missa inte @srnordica på Insta och så finns vi också där @probihorse
Varmt välkomna!